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Houseplant Pest Protocols

You’ve bonded with your Plantkyn and adjusted their light and water just the way they like it. But one day, you notice some changes. Some of their leaves have unusual speckling or are turning yellow; there’s white or sticky residue on a few leaves– your Plantkyn has pests!

If this is the first time you’ve encountered pests, it can feel scary and overwhelming. But don’t worry—you’ve done nothing wrong. Pests are just an eventual part of owning houseplants. This guide will help you identify and treat your Plantkyn so they can thrive again.

3 Steps to Getting Rid of Pests

  • Step 1: Identify

    So how exactly do you check for pests? Follow these simple steps:

    1. Place your plant in a well-lit area.
    2. Use a magnifying glass or hand lens if you have one. Otherwise, closely inspect your Plantkyn’s leaves with your eyes to identify any changes.
    3. Note those changes and review the Signs & Symptoms section below to determine which pest is affecting your Plantkyn.
  • Step 2: Isolate

    Once you’ve identified pests, it’s important to immediately quarantine your Plantkyn away from other plants. Ideally, place it in a separate room, but if that’s not possible, keep it on the other side of the room. This will be their new home for several weeks, so help them settle in comfortably.

  • Step 3: Treat & Repeat

    Follow the Pest Protocol for the specific pest you’re dealing with. Stick to the protocol and continue inspecting and treating weekly until there are no signs of pests.


Signs & Symptoms: Deformed new leaves, stippling on leaves, tiny white larvae, and/or small, long black or brown bugs on leaves. There are 3 common types of thrips and two species are brown and one is black.

Pest Protocol:

  • Prune off all leaves with visible thrips or thrips damage (thrips eggs are laid inside the leaves), up to 1/3 of the plant’s leaves.
  • Once a week, fully spray down the entire plant with water (aiming to spray the front/back of every leaf), then once the leaves have dried, apply a neem oil or insecticidal soap spray following the package instructions.
  • Repeat weekly for 6-8  weeks.
  • Use blue sticky traps to capture adult thrips.
  • Note: Thrips are the most challenging pest to eradicate so it is crucial to repeat for the full duration. The reason they are the most challenging is their lifecycle includes 6 stages where they live inside the leaves, inside the soil, and on the leaves during different parts. They also can fly in their adult stage so isolation is crucial. 


Signs & Symptoms: White, cottony residue on leaves; small, white, fluffy insects.

Pest Protocol:

  • Use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball to spot treat any residue or insects.
  • Once a week, fully spray down the entire plant with water (aiming to spray the front/back of every leaf), then once the leaves have dried, apply a neem oil or insecticidal soap spray following the package instructions.
  • Repeat weekly for 3–4 weeks.

Spider Mites

Signs & Symptoms: Deformed new leaves, leaf drop, small webs, and white dusty speckles on leaves.

Pest Protocol:

  • Use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball to spot treat any residue or insects.
  • Once a week, fully spray down the entire plant with water (aiming to spray the front/back of every leaf), then once the leaves have dried, apply a neem oil or insecticidal soap spray following the package instructions.
  • Repeat weekly for 3–4 weeks.

Fungus Gnats

Signs & Symptoms: Tiny black flies circling your plant.

Pest Protocol:

  • Adjust your watering routine, as overwatering often contributes to fungus gnats.
  • Use a gentle fan in the room to help the top layer of soil dry out more quickly.
  • Place yellow sticky traps near the plant to capture adult gnats.


Signs & Symptoms: Brown or tan bumps on stems and leaves; sticky residue (honeydew) on leaves or nearby surfaces.

Pest Protocol:

  • Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to remove visible scale insects.
  • Prune heavily infested areas if needed.
  • Once a week, spray the entire plant with neem oil or insecticidal soap, focusing on stems and undersides of leaves.
  • Repeat weekly for 4–5 weeks.

How to Prevent Pest Issues

Prevent future pest issues with these simple tips:

• Inspect new plants carefully before bringing them home. Check leaves, stems, and soil for signs of pests.

• Regularly clean your Plantkyn’s leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and deter pests. You can also spray down their leaves in the sink or shower. 

• Avoid overwatering or underwatering, as stressed plants are more susceptible to infestations.

• Maintain proper airflow around your plants with a fan or by spacing them apart.

• Use sticky traps as an early warning system for flying pests like thrips and gnats.

Signs of Recovery

After following the treatment protocol, look for these signs that your Plantkyn is recovering:

• Healthy new growth with no discoloration or deformities.

• No visible pests or residue on leaves or stems. Washing your plant’s leaves each week will make it easier to notice new residue.

• Improved overall appearance and vigor of your Plantkyn.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Be mindful of these common pitfalls during treatment:

• Skipping weekly treatments: This can allow pests to return and prolong the infestation.

• Applying too much neem oil or insecticidal soap: Always follow the product instructions to avoid damaging your plant.

• Treating plants in direct sunlight: This can cause leaf burn. Move your Plantkyn to a shaded spot during treatment.

Additional pest questions? Email us at: support@plantkyn.com